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... 停課不停學,這學期的基英課可與往常大有不同。 ... 「線上課程」、「督導+自學模式」、「新冠病毒主題」... ...這封特別的開課通知一經發布便引起同學激烈討論。雖說沒有了老師的集中指導,翻譯191班的同學們仍保持著極大的積極性,通過查找資料、觀看新聞、小組交流等多種方式進行主題學習。同學們的學習筆記不僅回答了老師提出的問題,還有單詞詞性、中英釋義、搭配、造句、詞根、句子語法分析、專有名詞分類等拓展,更有同學將5篇閱讀材料共計3000餘詞通篇翻譯。由於網絡不通,周蘭同學全部用手寫方式完成筆記作業,密密麻麻一共寫下了42頁。來看看他們的筆記吧! ... ...... 經過一段時間的自主學習,同學們從權威媒體了解到了疫情原委、學習了科學抗疫知識、體會到了黨的領導下,各級政府和人民群眾團結抗疫的決心。 本周一,章莉老師利用QQ分享螢幕直播課堂的方式針對Coronavirus這一主題學習中的材料進行重點分析和解讀。課後,要求用學到的字詞描述中國本次應對「新冠病毒」的態度和措施。讓我們看看翻譯191班的同學都是怎麼說的吧! ... ... 揭冬霞 Considering that nothing matters more than people's safety and health, the CPC has established a leading group and called on party members at all levels to address and fight the very serious battle against the viral outbreak of the contagious disease.However arduous the current struggle of prevention and control of the epidemic could be, China will be bound to ultimately prevail over the novel coronavirus outbreak on the condition that we Chinese stay united and take scientific and tailor-made measures, including closely monitoring cases, putting a city in lock down and implementing travel restrictions and so on, in an extreme and heavy-handed way in effort to curb the spread of the virus. 中國共產黨始終把人民的生命安全和身體健康放在第一位,因此在傳染病爆發以來,中共迅速採取行動,成立領導小組並號召各級黨員積極應對疫情。儘管目前疫情防控形勢嚴峻、鬥爭艱巨,但只要全國人民同舟共濟、科學防治、精準施策,採取監控病例、封鎖城市和限制出行等硬核措施來阻斷病毒傳播,中國就一定會打贏這場新冠肺炎疫情防控阻擊戰。 ... 汪 玥 At the beginning of the outbreak, the large migration of people made it more severe. But it is the scientific approach of the highest priority that gives us strong resolve. The CPC guides and takes scientific approaches and targeted measures: Hospitals were sufficiently supported with equivalents fundsandstaff;Inhabitants in Wuhanstrictly followed thecity-lock-downorderin order to stop contagion from spreading further; companies wereprovided with preferential policies to reduce their loss; theworld also were informed with the latestinformation.CPC leads Chinese to rise up from the hardships, we have enough confidence to get victory! 在疫情爆發的最初,人員的大規模移動加快了疫情的傳播,使抗疫形勢更為嚴峻。但黨中央的科學的部署,給了我們極強的信心。黨中央指導採取了科學防控、精準施策的措施:對於醫院,提供強有力的設備資金等支持;對於居民,本著與時間賽跑的觀念,採取封城手段,對每人都進行嚴格的檢測,防止傳染病進一步蔓延;對於部分企業,提供大量優惠政策,減少企業損失;對世界,及時告知最新疫情信息……我黨帶領全國人民共同從困難中奮起,我們都有很強的信心打贏這場戰役。 ... 張俊傑 Confronted with the menacing coronavirus, Chinese government reacted swiftly and always kept in mind that people's interest is the highest priority. In this battle against the novel coronavirus, people from all walks of life firmed up their confidence, stayed united and performed their duties, following the leadership of the CPC. With strong resolve and scientific and targeted measures, we are convinced that we will win the arduous battle of prevention and control of the contagion. 冠狀病毒來勢洶洶。面對疫情,中國政府迅速出擊,並且始終把人民的利益放在首要位置。在這場疫情抗擊戰中,社會各界緊隨中國共產黨的領導,堅定信心、團結一致、各司其職。我們相信,只要我們堅定信心、科學防治、精準施策,就一定能打贏這場防控新型肺炎的攻堅戰。 ... 陳安妮 The Chinese government makes all cases transparent, strictly accepts the supervision of the people, and always insists that people's interests are the highly priority. With strong resolve, scientific and targeted measures, China will finally prevail over the battle. 中國政府使一切病例透明化,嚴格接受人民監督,始終堅持人民的利益是重中之重。在堅定的決心和科學的有目的的措施下,中國最終會戰勝這場戰爭。 ... 金 好 Confronted with this outbreak, China has firmed up the resolution of prevailing over the plague. At the same time, series of scientific and targeted measures have been put into effect aiming to control and prevent this pandemic. 面對疫情,中國堅定了打贏此次疫情阻擊戰的決心,採取了科學的治療方案和精準的防控措施,力求阻斷疫情蔓延。 ... 田卓越 Faced with the novel corona-virus pneumonia outbreak, China was swift to act and effectively interrupted virus’s spread. With scientific approaches and tailor-made policies, the government holds strong resolve and great belief to prevail over the battle with the epidemic and safeguard people’s interests. 面臨新型冠狀病毒爆發的嚴峻局面,中國政府採取了迅速而有效的措施來抑制病毒蔓延。中國政府有決心、有信心,以科學的舉措和精準的政策打贏這場戰「疫」,保障人民利益。 ... 曹蓬勃 Having suffered from the novel coronavirus for over a month, China is still under the great threat from the COVID-19. However, hope is around the corner. Thanks to the extreme and heavy-handed measures Chinese government took a month ago, or else the country may still in dark clouds. The authority regarded the issue as the top priority.Its strong resolve for defeating the virus was respectable and had inspired billions of Chinese people, who were also battling against the virus at home. Let's firm up our confidence and get ready to win the epidemic. 新型冠狀病毒已經在中國肆虐一個多月,中國當下依然面臨巨大威脅。然而,希望就在前方。若一個月前,中國政府沒有採取的極端和嚴厲的措施,我們或許還籠罩在黑暗中。疫情是當前國家的頭等大事。中國政府戰勝病毒的堅定決心值得敬佩,激勵了十多億中國人民並肩作戰。讓我們堅定信心,迎接勝利吧! ... 王貴婷 China never shirks its responsibility on the outbreak of coronavirus, and we Chinese from all walks of life never flinch from facing up to it. With strong resolve, scientific measures and targeted policies, we will control and prevent viral transmission. By working collaboratively, we will prevail over this arduous battle. China's attitude towards this issue shows its political commitment as a great power and Chinese government always takes the people' interests as the highest priority. 在冠狀病毒的爆發問題上,中國從不推卸責任,各行各業的中國人也從不退縮。我們以堅強的決心,科學的措施和精準的政策,控制和預防病毒傳播。我們團結合作,終將戰勝這場艱苦的戰鬥。中國對這一問題的態度表明了中國作為一個大國的政治承諾,中國政府始終把人民利益作為最高利益。 ... 朱詩清 The Chinese government didn't hush up the outbreak of the novel coronavirus this time. On the contrary, they dealt with the epidemic with scientific and targeted measures. They put a city in lockdown to race against the time. With strong resolve, China will gain a complete victory at the frontline. 在這次爆發的新冠病毒疫情抗擊戰中,中國政府並未隱瞞任何實情。與此相反,中國採取了科學有效的手段,封閉了武漢這座城市,為抗擊疫情贏得更多的寶貴時間。懷揣著強烈的決心,各級人民都奮鬥在第一線,在這場抗擊疫情的戰役之中發揮著積極的作用。 ... 唐嘉悅 When the plague broke out, the Chinese government made swift response and took unprecedented extreme measures. Scientific approach and tailor-made policies were formulated which were truly playing a positive role in the battle. 這場疫情一爆發,中國政府便在短時間內做出了空前的應對措施並領導全國進行抗疫。所制定的科學方法和相應的政策也著實在抗疫鬥爭中起到了積極的作用。 ... 張怡嘉 When the epidemic broke out, the Chinese government was swift to take heavy-handed, scientific and targeted measures to prevent and control it, and Chinese from all walks of life were engaged in the serious battle, which showed the strengths of China’s socialist system. China has strong resolve in prevailing over this arduous battle. 疫情一爆發,中國政府便迅速採取了強有力而科學精準的防控措施,同時各行各業的中國人民也參與到疫情防控阻擊戰中,這些都充分顯示了中國社會主義制度的優勢。中國有堅定的信心打贏這場艱難的戰「疫」。 ... 鄧珊珊 As the outbreak occurred, the Chinese government was swift to take scientific and targeted measures and emphasize that people’s interest is the top priority. The signs are that the measure of putting Wuhan in lock down help stop the spread of disease. Under strong leadership and with strong resolve, China are sure to win this arduous battle ultimately. 疫情爆發後,中國政府迅速科學、精準施策,並強調人民利益高於一切。跡象表明武漢封城舉措有助於抑制疫情的傳播。在中共中央的堅強領導下,中國堅定信心,必將打贏這場疫情阻擊戰。 教師評語 Teacher's Comments 由於疫情爆發,在線學習原本「出於無奈」,但這一單元的學習卻令人驚喜連連。「新型冠狀病毒」的學習內容並非出於教材,卻勝似教材;同學自學筆記一個比一個詳盡、認真。從所選語篇中,同學不僅可以學到地道的語言,也全面了解了「新型冠狀病毒」的起源、人與自然相處之道、中國政府的抗疫態度和舉措、建設人類命運共同體的重要性。從以上同學的「疫情觀察」可見一斑。 ... 以事實為引,學習奠基,在與各種信息的交互中碰撞思想的火花。這種模式更能發揮我們學生的能動性,讓我們想得更深,思得更遠。 吾學,吾思,吾述。這就是我們的疫情「觀察記錄」。 ... 文中優秀筆記和評論分享均來自翻譯191班















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